This application simply displays the words that it hears on the screen in large letters.
It was written as an aid to communication with deaf people. I have shared it here just in case other people find it useful.
The size of the font can be configured.
It continually listens and displays text when a sentence has finished. As with all apps that use the Google speech recognition service, it is better to speak slowly and clearly.
V1.0 - First release
V1.1 - Added reverse scroll feature, improved scrolling
V1.2 - Fixed intermittent crash, added clear text feature
V1.3 - Added bluetooth support
V1.41 - Updated the UI
V1.5 - Added extra large and extra extra large fonts
V1.6 - Added ability to copy text to clipboard
V1.61 - Minor update
V1.0 - 第一版
V1.1 - 增加了反向滚动功能,提高了滚动
V1.2 - 固定间歇性崩溃,加上清晰的文本特征
V1.3 - 增加了蓝牙功能支持
V1.41 - 更新了UI
V1.5 - 新增超大和特大额外的大字体
V1.6 - 增加了复制文本到剪贴板能力
V1.61 - 次要更新